The University of London world-class, flexible Postgraduate Laws programmes are designed to meet a diverse range of needs. With 32 specialisations and 65 courses, you can either build a broad range of skills or specialise in a specific field.
Distance learning | Teaching Centre
1-5 years
Queen Mary University of London, University College London
Students accepted to the Postgraduate Laws programmes start at three points of entry, namely at PGCert, PGDip or LLM. Your point of entry is determined by your entry qualifications but does not set your exit award. It is your choice to leave the programme with a PGCert, PGDip or and LLM – or all three!
You can collect all three qualifications as you wish, provided you complete within a maximum of five years.
If you choose to specialise, you need to study a minimum number of courses or modules within your specialist pathway. The number depends on the qualification you are working towards:
You can decide on any specialisation you wish to take after you register. As courses may fit into more than one specialisation, it is possible to collect a different specialisation for each of your awards.
If you complete a specialisation, this is outlined on your certificate (for example, ‘Master of Laws in the specialisation: Computer and Communications Law’).
Courses usually fit into more than one specialisation, so you may be able to achieve a number of different specialist awards!
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